Tuesday 13 March 2012

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Typically, films within the gangster genre are aimed at older audiences-usually male. Gangster films are usually aimed at older generations as they typically involve strong violence, drugs, sex and crime. Having looked at other famous gangster films that fall typically into the American gangster genre such as Gangs of new York, lock stock and two smoking barrels and the godfather I found that they all had an 18+ age rating, meaning that their films audience is mainly older generations. However due to our film not complying with traditional gangster conventions, featuring young characters that do have opportunities, being set in a more urban location and by the success of the gangster not being shown by material wealth, I think that our audience will be younger generations and our film should have the 15+ age rating. I think that younger generations would enjoy our film more because not only may they be able to relate more to the themes involved within the film but it involves more modern day crime, and crime that we hear about frequently in the media nowadays therefore I think it would appeal more to the younger generations. By being in the 15+ age rating our film must comply with the following rules;
  • The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behavior.
  • Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse.
  • Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualized.
  • Dangerous behavior (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) can be allowed provided the detail of such is low so that it cannot create too much of an impression of the viewer. Abuse of weapons which are easily obtained will not be tolerated.
  • Frequent use of strong language can be permitted, although very strong language needs to be restricted and would have to be seen as reasonable in the context.
  • Nudity in a sexual content must be restricted however nudity in a non-sexual content does not.
  • Sexual activity without strong detail would most likely to be allowed. Some strong sexual references may be allowed to, but very strong ones may not, unless used within reason.
  • As long as the film is appropriate for 15 year olds, no certain themes are prohibited
  • Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. The same applies to references. Any sexual violence should be discreet and be strongly justified.
Having looked at the guidelines for films with a 15+ certificate I think that our film is suitable to comply with this age certificate. Not only will having a lower age certificate mean that our film is more accessible to a younger audience but it means that it widens our audience. Also, I think that our film will not just be aimed at a male audience because our film does not involve as much violence and has more of a moral meaning that would appeal to both a male and female audience.  

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