Tuesday 13 March 2012

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Below is our preliminary task;

(write up to what is said within the video)
Filming our Preliminary task was a huge help in getting us familiar with how to use the video cameras and editing techniques. Having looked back at our Preliminary task I think that our group has learnt a huge amount and we have all gained a lot of ability since then, which has enabled us to create the opening that we have. I think that the main thing that filming our Preliminary task has taught me is that organization is needed in order for filming to go smoothly and to make sure that valuable filming time is not wasted. When we were filming our preliminary task we did not work together very well as a group in order to make sure that we had all of the props l equipment needed for filming to go smoothly and consequently I do not think that our final film was as good as it could have been. However when it came to creating our film opening we were much more organized, we all took on our own roles within the group and having a filming schedule made it much easier to organize when certain props (i.e. the gun) were needed to be brought to filming. Another thing that I think I have learnt from the progression from it to the full product is that great attention needs to be paid to continuity when filming. When we filmed our Preliminary task there were faults with continuity which were very noticeable, for example from where Reece walked into the room to where it skips to him looking at Melissa does not flow fluently and it is a very apparent mistake, however whilst filming our final opening we all made a great effort to make sure that there were no continuity errors. One fault we did find when we were editing our filmed shots together was that we did not create an effective match on action shot when Jay enters the TAGS leaders office, however due to us having a filming schedule we were able to shift around some things and make time to re-film him entering the room in order to add in a match on action. I also feel that from the preliminary task I learnt a lot about camera angles. Within our preliminary task we did not use a variety of camera angles or shots and stuck with very simple shot which I think caused it to be a bit boring to watch and it lacked the tension needed. However in our final piece we made sure that we filmed using lots of different angles (low/high angles, close ups, point of view shots etc...) and therefore were able to make our opening more entertaining, whilst also creating a fast pace through the use of editing the different angles and shots together. A key example of this is when Jay is running up the stairs and we have edited together a variety of different shot types to create a fast pace.
We also created a storyboard when creating our film opening which we did not use when doing our Preliminary task. I think that from having a storyboard to refer back to when filming it made the process flow much more smoothly. I had never used the process of a storyboard before as a base to film from, however it enabled us to make sure that our shot types differed and did not become too monotonous for the viewer. Even though we did not stick to our storyboard exactly it gave us a good base to work from, below is our storyboard;

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